Trash City 14/15

Issue available in:
- PDF format [15.55 MB]
- Gallery format
- Cover
- Contents
- Welcome to the Videodrome
- Spot the Logic Competition
- Hayao Miyazaki and the Anime of Idealism
- The Feature Films of Hayao Miyazaki
- Hayao Miyazaki Film, TV and OAV-ography
- Information you may have missed
- Of beer, black cats and 24,750 missing prostitutes
- Defending the indefensible
- People you don’t want to get annoyed
- Three-pin Plugs
- Land of the free, home of the pretty damn weird…
- Look Up Man-zoku Gal!
- The Women of Japan
- Spam Jake Day 1994
- High Weirdness by Mail
- Is it live, or is it anime?
- Conspiracy Corner: Summer in the City
- The Scala Cinema: RIP
- Anime Action!
- The shape of anime to come
- Driving Ambition 2: The Road Worrier
- Legal News
- “The Good, The Bad and The Dangerous”
- Teach Yourself Customs-speak
- Silence of the Lums
- Film Blitz
- The Birthday Present
- Things That go Hump in the Night…
- In the Realm of the Censors
- On the other hand… The Edward Penishands trilogy
- Let Me Die a Woman
- A Random Walk in Tokyo
- San-Futuro Chronicles
- Back cover
- Ultraman – Goes West