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Issue 1 is lain to earth, may it Rest In Peace. The next incarnation, in a little over three months (see Editorial), will quite possibly be in another new format. Exactly what, has yet to be decided – possibilities include engraved on stone (the postage costs might well nail that one), printed on one sheet of paper, 5 foot to a side, or sent to you on a microdot. On the other hand, it might well be A5 again. What is possibly certain is that it might contain some of the following :
The great title debate failed to be either great or a debate. Nobody expressed any strong opinions other than those mentioned last time, thus by default, it’s “Trash City” – I’ll now wait till you’ve got used to it, THEN change it…
All of the above depends on time, room, inclination, whether people get things done and whether I can find something better to do with my time. However, I don’t think I’ll be asked to direct a film, marry Nastassja Kinski or accept a million pounds, so (sigh), it looks like another three months of editing this thing.
See you then!