Spirit of enterprise 2: boys (& girl) in blue

Police poseurs in Chinese cop couture
Beijing – China’s streets teem with uniforms but checks in one major city alone found only seven of 37 people in police uniforms had the right to wear them, a report in the official China Daily said. “People from factory guards to minor officials and drivers to travelling salesmen are defying a state ban on unauthorised wearing of (police) uniforms. Some have used them to get involved in crime,” it said, adding the problem is nationwide. Fake cops are also obtaining police cars, allowing them to race through traffic with impunity while tending to their blackmail and prostitution operations, it said.
Police try to shake down…their boss
Lagos – Two policemen in Nigeria’s Kano state ended up with more than they bargained for when they stopped a private car at a roadblock late at night and demanded money. Nigerian radio said police commissioner Haliru Zakari was travelling in the car with his wife. Zakari, who was not amused, sacked the two men and warned other officers under his command against terrorising the public. Newspapers say policemen in Nigeria are owed 3 months’ salary arrears. Motorists in cities say officers at checkpoints can be quite forceful in demanding “kola” (gifts).
Policewoman offers sex in uniform
Rome – Italian police who raided a massage parlour where sex was on sale were surprised to find one of their female colleagues among the prostitutes, Il Manifesto reported on Thursday. The woman cashed in on her double life by offering sex in uniform at prices of around one million lire (£400) per session at the Turin brothel, the daily added. She now faces police disciplinary proceedings and possible criminal charges.
Bizarre murder defence?
Bangkok – Seven Thai policemen have been charged with robbing and murdering at least ten ethnic Chinese tourists. The gang preyed on Chinese-speaking tourists and may have killed as many as 40 people, police said. Victims were befriended by a Chinese-speaking member of the gang, Corporal Somchai Opaso, then lured into cars on the pretext of going sightseeing before being robbed and shot. “I am a junior policeman and earn very little… The police department should look after the police,” gang member Somchai said. “I can only warn those responsible for tourists to look after them better.”