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- key: i-b = in-betweener
- k/a = key animation
- s/d = scene designer
- s/p = screenplay
- dir = direction
- con = continuity
- 1963 – Wan Wan Chusin-gara/Watch-dog Bow Wow. Short, 21 min. (i-b)
- Okami Shonen Ken/Wolf Boy Ken. TV series. (i-b)
- 1964 – Gariba No Ucho Ryoko/Gulliver’s Space Travels. Short, 20 min.(i-b)
- Shonen Ninja Kaze No Fujimaru/Boy Ninja Fujimaru the Wind (ib, k/a)
- 1965 – Hassuru Punch/Hassle Punch. TV series. (k/a)
- 1966 – Reinbo Sentai Robin/Rainbow Warrior Robin. TV series (k/a)
- 1968 – Taiyo No Oji Horus No Daiboken/Prince of the Sun – The Great Adventures of Horus. Feature. 82 min. (s/d + k/a)
- Mahotsukai Sally/Sally the Witch. TV series. (k/a, eps 77 + 80)
- Nagagutsu Wo Haita Neko/Puss in Boots. Feature, 85 min. (k/a)
- 1969 – Soratobu Yureisen/The Flying Ghost Ship. Feature, 60 min. (k/a)
- Himitsu No Akko-Chan/Secret Little Akko. TV series. (k/a, eps 44 & 61)
- 1971 – Dobutsu Takarajima/Animal Treasure Island. Feature, 78 min. (k/a)
- Ali Baba To 40 No Tozoko/Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves. Feature, 55 min. (organiser + k/a)
- Lupin III. TV series. (dir Eps 6-23, with Isao Takahata)
- 1972 – Panda Kopanda/Panda, Panda Cub. Short, 23 min. (concept, s/p, design + k/a)
- Akado Suzunosuke. TV series. (k/a + continuity on eps. 26 & 27)
- 1973 – Panda Kopanda Amefuri Sakasu No Maki/Panda, Panda Cub: Rainy Day Circus. Short, 38 min. (concept, s/p, design, k/a)
- Kouya no Shonen Isamu/Wasteland Boy Isamu. TV series. (k/a, ep 15)
- Samurai Jyaiantsu/Samurai Giants. TV series. (k/a, ep 15)
- 1974 – Alps No Shojo Haiji/Heidi: Girl of the Alps. TV series, 52 episodes. (design + organization)
- 1975 – Flanders No Inu/The Dog of Flanders. (aid in k/a)
- 1976 – Hama O Tazunete Sanzen-Ri/3000 Leagues IN Search of Mother. TV series, 51 episodes. (design + organization)

- 1977 – Araiguma Rascal/Rascal the Racoon. (k/a)
- 1978 – Mirai Shonen Conan/Future Boy Conan. TV series, 26 episodes. (character design + dir)
- 1979 – Akage No An/Red Haired Anne [Anne of Green Gables]. TV series, 50 episodes. (layout, design and organization, eps 1-15)
- Lupin III: Cagliostro No Shiro/Cagliostro’s Castle. Feature, 100 min. (s/p, con + dir)
- 1980 – Lupin III. (s/p + dir, eps 145 & 155)
- 1981 – Little Nemo. Feature. (s/d, quit in pre-production stage)
- Meitantei Holmes/Great Detective Holmes. TV series, 2 episodes (k/a + dir)
- 1984 – Kaze No Tani No Nausicaa/Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind. Feature, 116 min. (s/p, con + dir)
- Meitantei Holmes. 24 further episodes. (k/a, and dir for 4 eps)
- 1986 – Tenku No Shiro Laputa/Laputa:Castle in the Sky. Feature, 124 min (s/p, con + dir)
- 1987 – Yanakawa Horiwari Monogatari/The Story of Yanakawa Canal. Documentary, live-action, 165 min. (producer)
- 1988 – Tonari No Totoro/My Neighbour Totoro. Feature, 83 min. (s/p, con + dir)
- 1989 – Majo No Takkyubin/Kiki’s Delivery Service. Feature, 105 min. (s/p, con + dir)
- 1991 – Omoide Poroporo/Remembering in Drops. Feature. (producer)
- 1992 – Kurenai No Buta/Porco Rosso. Feature, 94 min. (s/p, con + dir)