The Section With No Name
I never cease to be impressed with the quality of virtually all the amateur publications and fanzines that I’ve been sent. I think, to a large extent, it’s to do with the enthusiasm for their subjects that they all show. Hack writers are paid for what they do, and tend not to care as much as people who do it for the fun that get from it – this comes through in a lot of the writing, even if the presentation can be a bit naff! Here’s a selection that I’ve enjoyed most since last time :
BLEEDER’S DIGEST (22 pages A4, 50p) – Large format ‘zine with plenty to read, most of it on the more obscure subjects. However, it’s hard to give any sort of objective review of a ‘zine whose editor liked “Graveyard Shift”! Aaargh…
CREEPING UNKNOWN (28 pages A5, 50p) – One of the leading lights of the horror zine scene, having now reached Issue 9. Report on Black Sunday, lots of reviews, film news and an interview with Clive Barker. Solid stuff, some nifty illos.

DEATH BANE (28 pages A5, 100p) – This is quite an excellent magazine, by far the best on the market. It is of course pure coincidence that the editor lives a mile from me and has threatened dire reprisals in the event of a bad review… Sleazy, lots of bad quailty pics (nice fold-out centre tho’), manic style.
FIEND (6 pages A4, 10p) and SQUIRM (4 pages A4, 5p) – What were you doing when you were 15? No, APART from that! Mark Stevens is editing these two ‘zines, the former about horror films (tsk, tsk – 18 certificates??), the latter literature. The price (or lack) offsets the lack of experience.
GORE GAZETTE (7 pages A5, ???) – Nearly all reviews in this one, with a certain abrasive style that appeals to me. American in origin, which is both good (you get warning of films to watch out for when they come across here) and bad ( too many obscurist Ameri-references).
IMAGINATOR (40 pages A4, 60p) – Probably the best ‘zine in terms of value for money, on the market today. Well printed, with some of the best illustrations I’ve seen, it’s pretty difficult to find other than minor faults.
PRISONERS OF WAR (48 pages A5, 50p) – Not a filmzine, but continues serenely on, having published more issues, and of a better quality than most too. Should be required reading for all ‘zine editors to give them something to aim for.
- BLEEDER’S DIGEST – Paul Higson, 63 Geoffrey St, Chorley, Lancs, PR6 0HF.
- CREEPING UNKNOWN – Nick & Cath, 29 Westland Ave, HUCKNALL, Nottingham NG15 6FN.
- DEATH BANE – Just, 77 Crystal Palace Park Road, LONDON, SE26 6UT.
- FIEND/SQUIRM – Mark Stevens, 141 Montague Rd, BILTON, Rugby, Warwickshire CV22 6LQ.
- GORE GAZETTE – Try Stefan Kwiatkowski, 2A The Mount, Erdington, Birmingham B23 7NG.
- IMAGINATON – Ken Miller, Brands House, Kingshill Road, Four Ashes, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP13 5BB.
- PRISONERS OF WAR – Wallace Nicoll, 48 Broughton Ave, Glasgow, G52 3RU.