Three-Pin Plugs
[Ed – We would like to apologise for the shocking, amateurish and totally unjustifiable lack of price/order info on some of the following reviews. Lino didn’t give me the damn ‘zines back!]
Jim sits waiting to unleash a new issue of Trash City; did he really give me a bag full of fanzines to review five months ago? Oh blimey, he did! And have I left it so long that I’ve only got three pages to review them in? Ok, let’s not waste any more time, on with the reviews.

Invasion of the Sad Man-Eating Mushrooms. Issue 5 contains a Lloyd Kaufman interview (this is just the beginning), an overview of Italian zombie movies and, quite surprisingly, an article about John Waters. Also, there’s a feature on anime (by Jim “Omnipresent” McLennan). “Mushrooms” is always entertaining (it can ramble, but then don’t we all!!) and is definitely worth shelling out your hard-earned money on. So there! PO Box 7, Upminster, Essex, RM14 2RH.
Nightfall. Not much to say, really: comic-strip based, issue 4 contains artwork that ranges from very good (‘Sirens’) to terrible – umm, actually none of the artwork was terrible, but some of the stories did leave something to be desired.
Ooh My Brain Hurts. Daniel Auty & Co return with issue 7 of their photocopied and stapled ‘zine. Struggling to escape from their 33-page paper prison are such delights as interviews with Alex Chandon and Jorg Buttgereit, a George Romero retrospective and reviews ranging from ‘Cape Fear’ to ‘El Topo’. All that and it only costs 100p. Blimey, what a bargain. Daniel Auty, 9 Andrew Close, Wokingham, Berks RG11 2HY.
Detroit Graves. Five issues old, but this is the first one I’ve had thrust at me (missus!). It’s the usual mish-mash of reviews, show reports (the tired old Black Sunday) and it’s only saving grace, an article on the superb “Married With Children” which my local TV region LWT has see fit to drop (even when it was on, it was very late and only occasionally). I have to get my fix by watching RTL TV to see Al, Peg, Kelly and Bud babble on in Das German [Ed – Here’s a good place to mention ‘Children of a Far Greater God‘ the MWC fanzine covering all things Bundyish. Two issues, er, about 1.50 each from Miles Wood, 2nd floor, 221 Ashmore Road, Queens Park, London, W9 3DB] Anyway, I digress. [Me, too!] Detroit Graves is nothing special, and very overpriced at £1.50, but who cares what I say!
Mentally Penetrated by an Acid Enema. Issue two, and PMBAAE is cheap in comparison (only £1!), it features an interview with Alex Chandon (hmmm…), comic reviews, a Kiss retro (ahh, those were the days) and a piece on serial killers. There is lots more inside, but I really can’t bring myself to write words like coprophilia! Leighton Phillips, 4 James St, Abertillery Gwent NP3 1AA.

Mkultra. Issue 8 is good, even better than the previous seven, if that’s possible. It contains article on William Burroughs and Cronenberg, intelligent reviews, but…no articles written by or about me. Apart from the last omission, I can’t recommend Mkultra highly enough (if Andrej Karczewski wants to give me any cash, he can reach me through Jim).
Dark Star. Issue 9 features a Lloyd Kaufman interview (gag!), an informative news page, a feature on the Twin Peaks of ’93 “Eerie, Indiana” (watch out for it on C4 in March). Nice movie/video review section and an article on anime NOT written by Jim “I’m the everywhere man” McLennan. Lots more besides but slightly overpriced at 1.75 Rob Dyer, 64 Arthur St, Gravesend, Kent, DA11 0PR.
Strange Adventures, Holy Moley, the big Four Oh for SA, this issue features (aargh!) a Lloyd Kaufman interview (I really do wish that fanzines sat on these things instead of printing them all at once thereby making you sick of both Lloyd Kaufman and the fanzine). At least SA tries to be different by including a Troma filmography. Also included are pictures of Kathleen Turner, bundles of reviews (including porn films!!) and a nice comic strip (Captain Cliche…this one will run and run…sic). One of the better ‘zines available, but it could benefit from a colour cover [Ed – ah, wouldn’t we all!] Tony Lee, 13 Hazely Combe, Arreton, Isle of Wight, PO30 3AJ.
Shock Cinema. From the land of the rising exchange rate, SC reaches issue 4. Includes reviews of fave films from various fanzine bods and…in fact, nothing else BUT reviews, which I must admit I think I liked. Well, who wants yet another feature on Dario Argento [Ed – or Lloyd Kaufman?]
Midnight in Hell. Not really my cup of old rosey lee, MiH is fiction based; now while I like reading the occasional short story in a fanzine, I couldn’t get to grips with an entire fanzine filled with fearful fiction (blimey, that’s good). Having said that, it all comes down to horses for courses, and MiH contains some cracking stories, my favourite being “Backseat Dreamer”. If you’re looking for a change from all the Lloyd Kaufman interviews, grab yourself a copy of MiH. George Houston, The Cottage, Smithy Brae, Kilmalcolm, Renfrewshire, PA13 4BN.
Can I just say at this point that I only took on the job of fanzine reviews so I could vent my anger and really slag off some dire pieces of toilet paper. But so far, it’s all been reasonably good. Oh, well, such is life.
The Wild Places. AWOOGA, AWOOGA, LOONEY ALERT!!! Well, that’s what I thought when I started reading TWP. Well, a fanzine dedicated to UFO’s, human possession and the occult, but much as I hate to admit it, the people behind the ‘zine take a rational look at the things from which the Sunday Sport has made it’s millions, Very intelligently written, but not aimed at your average gorehound [Ed – or even “so not aimed at your average gorehound…”] Kevin McClure, 2O Trembear Road, St Austell, Cornwall PL25 5NY.
Tales From the Cajun Sushi Bar. “Great, super, smashing”, to quote Gentleman Jim Bowen. CSB contains enough anime fiction to keep even Jim “I Wish I’d thought of that” McLennan happy for hours. Jim Swallow has taken his love for anime and produced a ‘zine even I would read from cover to cover (hang on, I did). Timed perfectly to (hopefully) cash in on the current anime explosion, I really hope that the ‘zine sells well and keeps on selling. Jim Swallow, 21 Wadham House, 12 College Close, Edmonton, London N18 2XT.

In the Flesh. Steve C is just like the Duracell Bunny (with less hair). I mean that he just keeps on going, and like a fine wine, gets better and better with each issue [Ed – eh?]. ITF 11 is no exception: apart from the fact that it has a great picture of me on page 2, Steve’s ‘zine now benefits from a colour cover and is a serious contender to the grand-daddy of all ‘zines, ‘Samhain’, which in my opinion is looking a bit tired (John, go into hiding, and come back with a new look). There’s a full colour “Beyond” poster in the middle of the mag (the poster has always been a bit of a lame idea, but who am I to say!). A Pete Jackson interview (one of the first) and the usual mix of reviews, news and comps. Sorry, but I can’t fault it!
Headcheese and Chainsaws/Sludgefeast. Two ‘zines for the price of one. Yes, why bother buying two average mags when you can buy this good one. Well, it does suffer slightly from trying to cram too much information into too little space. The issue I read had articles ranging from “Dodgy” dodgy video dealers to comic and book reviews. It’s chewy, but crunchy – sorry, that’s a Double Decker. I mean, it’s two mags, but it’s one, check it out, boys, girls and Mr.Uncut. Paul Mallinson, 63 Doncaster Lane, Woodlands, Doncaster, DN6 7QN.
Dementia 13. As with MiH, D13 is a fiction only ‘zine, and the stories are neither good nor bad. The only thing that did annoy me were the really awful illustrations that accompany some of the stories. Other than that, if you like MiH, you’ll enjoy this one [Ed – the new issue has gone mostly-fiction-with-other-bits, and I’d class it as a successful leap]. Pam Creais, 17 Pinewood Avenus, Sidcup, Kent, DA15 8BB.
Hullaballoo. I’m sorry, but any fanzine with a picture of Yoko Ono on the bloody cover isn’t worth the paper it’s bloody well photocopied onto. I’m not even going to lower myself by reviewing it. “A load of old toss”…’Lino’, 1993.
Film Extremes. Ken (Mr.Ken Pack) Miller and Rick (I’ve been to New Zealand) Baker team up to bring you the best of Hong Kong horror, action, romance and Western monster movies. FE 1 contains interviews with (my close personal friend) Jorg Buttgereit, reviews and a natty free flexidisc. Recommended. FE 2 contains more of the same with some great colour stills. My only gripe is that it’s slightly overpriced.
Right, that’s it. I’ll see you all at Film Extremes III, or in Psychotronik Video in Camden.
Thank you, Lino, Mr. Slightly Overpriced. I detected a certain mercenary feel to this issue’s column, maybe he’s spent all his money on other things. I mean, this is the guy who gets his smut personally delivered. Serious Plutonium Account holder!
Must mention the latest glossies from Tim Greaves, he follows his impressive Yutte ‘Lust for a Vampire’ Stensgaard mag with another on the same lady, and one on Madeline Smith. Both are full of great pictures and anecdotes. œ1.95 each from Tim, 118 High Street, Eastleigh, Hants, SO5 5LR. He’s now working on a ‘Vampyres’ issue, and is looking for any info or material. Finally, a plug for Anime Day 3, a weekend devoted to Japanese animation which is taking place at the Rutland Hotel in Sheffield over the 16th-18th April. £20 for a weekend ticker, £12/day, for the chance to immerse yourself in cuteness/violence/icky things, and spend a lot of money on Dirty Pair dolls. Send an SAE to Anime Day, 14 Cavendish Place, Maltby, Rotherham, S66 7DW.