High Weirdness By Mail

Andrej Karczewski, London – Okay, I’m a cunt and I know it, a bottom-of-the-barrel, low-life scum not fit even to lick the soles of Miss Kinski’s leather high heel shoes.

If you’re writing to the editor, a little bit of self-abasement never does your chances any harm. Alternatively, you could perhaps try to confuse the hell out of me:

John Worley, Northampton – Dear Mr.McLennan, (I feel like a corpse – hence the stiff formality). As I’ve been dutifully feasting my eyes, gloating my soul upon your accursed publication for the past five issues, I thought it was high time – not intended as a drug reference, please note – I wrote and made a few incisive comments about said zine-thingy; but as I’m not feeling particularly inspirational today, I’m just gonna ask for a bloody T-shirt.

Ah yes, the T-shirts. Or even the bloody T-shirts, using the word as an entirely accurate adjective. Civilization has not collapsed following their release into an unsuspecting world:

Steve Rag, Eastleigh – My own T-shirt has been officially declared garden-worthy. I wore it while I was cutting the grass last weekend, and not one single bird, grasshopper, slug, etc, etc, complained. The fish in the pond actually looked quite impressed. As for wearing it out on the streets…I’m not that adventurous.

Wise man, judging from this cautionary tale:

Glyn Williams, Mickleover – Derby is clearly not ready even for the ‘polite’ TC T-shirts! Upon wearing it for the first time in the city centre I was approached by an elderly chap who said that his wife found “The picture on your attire most distressing”. I told him that it was another Benetton promotion. Feel free to use this recommendation on any future sales drive. Talking of your T-shirts (but this time the ‘impolite’ version) I actually saw the movie ‘Heathers’ last weekend for the first time. The line about the inappropriate use of the chainsaw seemed contrived (perhaps the lousy actress blessed with the line didn’t help) and the whole film was very disappointing. Just remind me again: what is the attraction of Winona Ryder?

Ouch. How does it go? “For those that understand, no explanation is necessary. For those that don’t, no explanation is possible”. Perhaps the best justification is the simple one: she’s not Julia Roberts. While still on the ‘lust’ front, but someone else’s for a change:

Helen McCarthy, London – “Nice review of ‘Hamlet’; I’ve been saying for ages that Ol’ Blue Eyes is underrated as an actor, but sceptics put that down to mere lust…I had a long phone conversation with a friend about how much I was looking forward to Mel Gibson’s Hamlet; he sounded a bit bemused, said “I wouldn’t have thought it was a natural role for him” and listened for ten minutes while I raved about the ice-blue, opal-blue eyes, the remarkable quality of stilawess, the physical presence, and so on – then he said “Oh, the Australian – I thought you meant Mel who’s on with Griff Rhys Jones!”…It sounds as though your reviewer of ‘Violence Jack’ missed the bit where the monster eats the corpse of it’s transvestite, hermaphrodite lover after Jack has finished preparing it for the sushi chef, and the bit where the gang of cute kids gets chopped – purely for being cute as far as I can tell. After 28 years in the manga/anime business, it’s nice to see that Go Nagai [the creator of ‘Violence Jack’] still enjoys doing what he’s best at”.

And here are a couple of other people enjoying their work for one reason or another, starting with some info on the sort of book I wished we’d studied at school, instead of ‘Cider with Rosie’.

Todd Grimson, Oregon, USA – “I saw the mention of Trash City in the Joe Bob Briggs newsletter and I’d like to see a few issues, especially any that deal with Nastassja Kinski. I’m a writer…The novel I’m working on now, entitled ‘Brand New Cherry Flavour’ uses Nastassja Kinski as a sort of patron goddess -the heroine strongly resembles her and works in Hollywood, where people remark upon it… It runs on movie logic; anything can happen that would work onscreen. Zombie-bikers who once went to UCLA. Magic everywhere, spells using urine or piercing your tongue. Psychic tattoos (you wake up in the morning and they’re just there). An evil dwarf. Several litres of blood. Body parts nailed to a wall. Untold scenes of nudity necessary to the plot”.

Steve Moss, Liverpool – “I’m working in a new shop selling all kinds of cruelty-free/environmentally sound/political campaigning/etc stuff…Short of roadying for The Ramones, it’s the ideal job – no bosses, no uniforms, flexible hours and a say in every decision that’s made…If any cute babes come into the shop while I’m on the till, I ask them in my most innocent-sounding voice if they’ve signed our petitions, and then as soon as they go out of the door, go over and make a note of their names and addresses…It can’t fail!”

Tsk, tsk – such an appalling lack of political correctness.

Jason Parker, Bromsgrove – “Remember when I told you about my foray into ‘dingy shop land’ to get my Japanese magazine? Well, I asked the shop woman if she had any comics :-
“Er, manga!” replied I.
“Ah, you want Banga’s”, said she, as she then proceeded to lead me to a shelf and gave me a box of those “paper-snap-things-that-bang-when-thrown-to-the-floor”! After much patience, I bought a 120 page manga – £3 – and when I went to pay for it, asked her what the title was. After some scrutinising, she replied “Golf?” with a disconcerting lack of confidence…The content was remarkably similar to the Magic Cop/Encounters of a Strange Kind style of Taoist kung-fu magic. God only knows where “Golf” came into it…”

Finally, Andy Waller, enjoying life to the full at college – “By the way, if you print that at all, you’re dead.”

Probably the casual threat of the year so far. Hah! A brave writer like me doesn’t bow to threats like that. At least not when I am entirely aware of the lucrative possibilities offered by blackmail and will hopefully be able to wring a few pints out of Mr.Waller on the strength of his preceding comment. Unless someone wants to make me a better offer? Bids to the editorial address, please…

Welcome to the Videodrome

TC10 was available from Fantasy Inn, Top 10 and Psychotronic Videos in London, Trick or Treat (Alun Fairburn’s mail order weird stuff company), and Videodrom and Michael Dericks in Germany. It was not available from Forbidden Planet, as they took phenomenally long to stump up the money for TC9. I’ve since heard they went near-bust in October, which explains some of the delay, but otherwise, well…


  1. “Your invoice has been passed to the Accounts department”
  2. “You’ve just missed this Friday’s cheque run”
  3. “We do our cheque run on a Thursday and you’ve just missed it”
  4. “I’m afraid the person dealing with it doesn’t work here any more”
  5. “If you don’t hear from me, the money’ll be in the post”
    [I didn’t, it wasn’t]
  6. “I’ll just find the invoice and call you back”
  7. At 3:30 – “Call back at 4 o’clock”
  8. At 4:00 – “He’s gone home for the day”

Narrow escape of the past quarter. Went to the King’s Head theatre to see an adaption of Hardy’s ‘Far from the Madding Crowd’. However, a cock-up in Time Out meant it should have been the previous Saturday, and I came within inches of having to sit through an evening of feminist comedy. Fortunately it was “wimmen only”, as I found out when I tried to buy a ticket. I’ve never been so grateful for reverse sexism, as it would probably have been as enjoyable as root canal work without anaesthetic.

Apologies to Dean Heathcote and Tony Lee for failing to credit them last issue for the ‘Violent Anime’ and ‘Aliens III’ pieces respectively. Thanks this issue got to Spencer Hickman, Dan Pydynkowski, Stefan Kwiatkowski, Anthony Cawood, Steven Cremin, Alun Fairburn, Lino (who’s got to buy a copy now!), Andy Waller, Peter J. Evans, Tom Edge, Tim & Karen, Rick Baker, Dean Heathcote, Brian Bower, Jason Parker, Steve Moss, Kevin Haney, Trevor Brown and Ken Miller who gets the TC Cool Dude award this issue, for co-organising the show at the Scala (one of the best days I’ve had in a long time), fixing me a chat with Jorg & Mannfred, lending me his cassette recorder and generally being a nifty guy.

This issue is brought to you under severe pressures of time, thanks to the approach of Christmas, leading to a maelstrom of holidays, Xmas parties and other, just as vital, activities. Any errors you may see are a) my fault and b) not surprising in the slightest.

Finally, subscribers should check the envelope (yep, the one you just threw away) – due to a hard-disk error, I lost the subs list and had to recreate it from a backup and two issues worth of letters! Any complaints, let me know…


Trash City 11

Winter 1991

3. Editorial
Far too much text to bother reading, skip at all costs unless you’re completely bored.
24. Three Pin Plugs
Blue equals Neutral, Brown equals Live, Green/Yellow equals Earth. But what’s this got to do with the ‘zine reviews?
4. High Weirdness by Mail
A chance for everyone to laugh at our mailbag, unless it’s your letter we are laughing at…
27. Heavy Metal
“Can it be possible to be in love with a cartoon character ?” Answers on a postcard to…
6. Advice to the Bride
“She should let him grope in the dark. There is always the chance that he will stumble and incur some slight injury”
30. San Futuro Chronicles
“Ok, I lied. I haven’t got copies of all the things that I’m listing”
9. Conspiracy Corner: WORK
“This allows you to pull the wool over his eyes, nose, mouth and down to his belly button”
34. Klaus Kinski
“Can you libel the dead?” [I wouldn’t mind being sued by Nastassja – Ed]
12. American Excess
Welcome to America! “Had a phone rung, I’d probably have wet myself”
36. Big Music
“The Big Noise are hard, come from Tamworth and probably growl at Budgies”
16. Visions of Japan
“Select: GODZILLA. And there he is, forty stories tall with bad breath and a skin condition.”
38. Film Blitz
23 reviews squeezed into six pages, where “atrocity overload” rubs shoulders with a “pyschopathic bunny” or two
18. Life is harder than censorship allows
An interview with Manfred Jelinski, producer of Nekromantik, and a review of Nekromantik 2
45. Bob told me to do it
“Commandments written in stone, secret rituals and sexual guilt are optional extras”

Editor Jim McLennan. Well, he doesn’t actually do any editing as you may have noticed, but he does pretty much everything else so we’ll let him off. Contributors for this issue (ping) are: George Houston, Per Porter, Jim Swallow, Steve Welburn. Pictures and pasteups by Per Porter.

Trash City is published sometimes when we can get Jim to finish the bloody thing. Then we spend several weeks trying to find suitable pictures. Ok, any pictures. We then take the whole sticky pile down to John London at Copyprint. What happens next is anyone’s guess.

Subscriptions save hassle and besides, you will get your copy warm (and we have to stick on the postage stamps – yeeucch!). Rates are a piffling 75p/issue ($2 Europe, $3 Elsewhere). Last time I looked in the box, there were a few pink issue 9s and some issue 10s, available for £1/$2/$3. All cheques payable to Jim McLennan. All complaints to next door. If you think you could do better then you’re probably correct. If you can’t get your contribution printed anywhere else then it’s probably crap, but it might give us a laugh. Send absolutely everything to this address:
7 Tummons Gardens, South Norwood Hill, LONDON SE25 6BD